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25 Health Tips to Cut Your Cancer Risk

© A. and I. Kruk/Shutterstock

Stress less

Although stress hasn’t exactly been proven to cause cancer, some studies point in that direction—and a review of research by the UTMD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and the University of Iowa found that stress has been shown to help cancer grow. ‘Studies over the last 30 years have identified psychosocial factors including stress, chronic depression, and lack of social support as risk factors for cancer progression,’ the authors wrote.

Another study from Ohio State University may have found the reason why: Turning on a ‘stress gene’ may promote the growth of cancer cells. Practicing mindfulness and physical activity can help lower your stress levels while working on preventing cancer. ‘For me, I practice yoga along with running and barre class, and this is a stress release, a chance to socialize with my community,’ as well as good exercise, Dr. Francis says.

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