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10 Really Strange, Yet True Health Tips

Drink Water When You’re Bloated

It seems strange, but many of the causes of bloating can actually be solved by drinking water. “Water mixes with water soluble fiber and makes it into a gel like substance. This affects the motility of the gut and reduces the symptom of bloating,” explains St. Joseph Hospital MD, James Lee. Drinking more water also relieves bloating caused by dehydration!


3 thoughts on “10 Really Strange, Yet True Health Tips”

  1. I’ve noticed this about coffee/caffeine. BUT, it only works for me when I’m tired, in the first place. So, I’m speculating that the participants of the study were already tired when they took the naps. Because I find that if I’m already alert, well rested and spry, the caffeine just makes me even more active. My interpretation is that caffeine, like many drugs, tends to accentuate the tendencies of the body. If one is sleepy, it makes one more sleepy. If one is alert, it makes one more alert. So, in this study, if the participants were more alert both with the nap and the caffeine, I’d say the caffeine pushed them into a deeper nap, and then, continued to kick in, making them more alert. Like I say, it intensified the already present tendencies of the body and it’s biochemistry. Of course, this is just my tested and retested personal experience: take it or leave it.

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