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7 Surprising Health Benefits of Being Stressed

Photo by Prostock-studio from Envato Elements

2. Stress may boost your memory

In the wilderness, stress and memory are two crucial surviving aspects. Why so? Because animals need to remember dangerous locations, situations or predators in order to steer clear of them in the future. “If an animal encounters a predator and manages to escape, it’s important to remember where and when that encounter happened,” says Kaufer.

“It makes sense then, that exposure to moderate stress can enhance your memory of the event. Likewise, if you’re walking down an alley and somebody threatens you, it’s important to remember exactly where you were in order to avoid that alley in the future.”

The brain always responds to stress factors. “Biologically, the exposure to moderate stress causes an increase in the generation of specialized cells that participate in memorizing the stressful event,” says Kaufer.

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