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12 Secrets That Help You Memorize Things Easily

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Use a tape recorder

To keep the spirit of real-life examples, have you ever noticed how fast it gets stuck in your head that new summer song? Have you ever wondered why is that happening? I know you did, but let me break it to you: our mind is likely to remember a piece of information if we hear it repeatedly. Although this trick is highly recommended for people that memorize audio information better, it can be used in any other circumstances.

Grab a tape recorder and record the information you need to memorize, and after that play it again a couple of times. It’s true it might be a little weird at first to hear your voice like that, you’ll soon get over it and start paying attention to what you’re hearing.

The main principle of this method is that it obliges your brain to do all types of memory work: you first have to understand the information, after that, you have to try it somewhere, then you repeat it loudly, only to hear it again and again. It’s guaranteed you’ll never forget anything again!

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