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12 Secrets That Help You Memorize Things Easily

Photo by Jordi Mora from Shutterstock

Make up stories

Once again, this trick might seem familiar to you. Have you ever had to explain a real-life situation to your children or your grandchildren? Isn’t it that in order to avoid any difficulty, you displayed the truth as a fantasy story?

Little lamb got lost in the woods and tried to remember the way back home to its mother. After a while, the little lamb remembered that it rained before leaving the herd, so he believed he’ll find the way back home if he looked for the soaked soil.

But did you know this memorizing technique might help you as well? Sometimes when we’re facing a new type of information and we don’t know where to put it, the best option is to make up a story for it. Apart from being quite creative, it might save you some time and energy from struggling to remember.


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