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12 Secrets That Help You Memorize Things Easily

Photo by WAYHOME studio from Shutterstock

Be careful not to mix information

Another thing you need to keep in mind about memorizing techniques is trying not to learn too much at once. From a scientific point of view, this advice comes from the theory of interference. Basically, it means that if your brain is deciphering a piece of information slightly similar to the one you already have in your memory, they’re gonna be mixed up.

Remember that episode in Friends, when Monica had to cook for a Thanksgiving 4 different types of mashed potatoes? She had to learn in a very short amount of time 4 different recipes to satisfy her friend’s wishes. But this doesn’t always work and you might end up confusing one recipe with another, and ending up cooking up for your strawberry allergic friend a strawberry pie!

All because your brain couldn’t handle the amount of information you gave to it all at once, so instead of a non-strawberry pie it can easily transform into an any-kind-of-fruits pie.

That is why it is strongly recommended to take a break once in a while from all that learning and just take a breath or taking a walk outside. Anything else would do rather than stuffing your brain with too much information, all at once.


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