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30 Seemingly Innocent Symptoms That Always Require Immediate Medical Attention

Photo by Tutatamafilm from Shutterstock

25. You have constant diarrhea

We can all agree that diarrhea can be worse than vomiting, and when it’s experienced for more than a day, you should definitely take action! Chronic diarrhea can lead to low potassium levels, leading to other severe complications.

When you have diarrhea, remember the word ‘BRAT.’ It stands for Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Toast. This is what you should eat. If this diet is unable to relieve your digestive issues, call your doctor.

26. You haven’t peed in more than six hours

Indeed, you may be on the road again, avoiding that bottle of water for obvious reasons, but when your water intake is in check, why don’t you feel the urge to visit the bathroom? Dr. Kino says that this could be a sign of dehydration, but it could also signal kidney failure.

Drink plenty of water to see what happens. If you’re still struggling to pee, call your doctor.


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