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9 Conditions That Are Hard To Diagnose

Photo by PopTika from Shutterstock
  • Hypothyroidism – Have you recently felt sluggish or inexplicably gained weight? Well, those can be signs that your thyroid isn’t making enough thyroxine. This can lead to changes in your body, such as thinner hair, change your bowel movements, and make you more sensitive to hot and cold.
  • Sleep Apnea – Sleep apnea happens when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep. You can wake up irritated and foggy-headed in the morning, with a dry mouth, sore throat, and even with a headache. The thing is, these signs can also indicate the presence of the flu, a cold, or other conditions, so it takes some time until the doctor decides on sleep apnea.
  • Lyme Disease – Lyme disease is the result of a deer tick biting you. One of the signs that you’ve been infected is a bulls-eye rash, but that’s not always the case. You might also experience headaches, joint pain, and dizziness, but because there are many other things to cause these symptoms, Lyme Disease is difficult to diagnose.
  • Fibromyalgia – As there’s no way to test this disease, your doctor will reach the conclusion you have fibromyalgia by ruling out any other diagnose, such as arthritis, lupus, or something else.
  • Lupus – With Lupus, your immune system attacks tissues and joints, instead of protecting you. Its usual symptoms are similar to arthritis and fibromyalgia, so a specific rash might help the doctor decide on lupus, but not everyone gets it.
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