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These 8 Things on Your Body Should Really Concern You

Photo by Aleksey Boyko from Shutterstock

8. Bruises you can’t explain

Even if bruises may appear due to natural fat loss, medications, or even topical steroids, other reasons for excessive bruising are more concerning. Enigmatic bruising could be an early sign of leukemia, according to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

Over time, leukemia impairs the blood’s ability to carry oxygen and clot, and this can actually lead to bruising. Still, it’s possible a vitamin C deficiency can cause excessive bruising or low or abnormal blood cell counts, Dr. Lipner adds.

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2 thoughts on “These 8 Things on Your Body Should Really Concern You”

  1. I have a lot of moles some of which have changed. I’ve seen a dermatologist regarding this and they weren’t concern. I have one that has a greenish color and few that look dried up. I would like to have these removed, but because insurance won’t covered it, they don’t want to. They claim this to be cosmetic. How can I get insurance to cover this?

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