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10 Signs You’re Not Healthy (Even If You Think You Are)


Your fingernails are changing

One of the surprising places where health problems manifest is your fingernails. “Changes in your fingernails and toes can be related to diet and bad habits like smoking,” says Peter Bidey, DO, assistant professor and vice-chair of family medicine at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. “It can also be an early sign that problems are occurring with your circulation or other internal systems.”

Our next sign might be hard to stomach…..


8 thoughts on “10 Signs You’re Not Healthy (Even If You Think You Are)”

  1. praise GOD ,, help homeless , feed strays ,make love ,, smoke good legal weeds , dont drink much , no cigaretts , keep busy , swim dailly beach preferred, eat well of course …u will be healthy ,, exercise feeds the mind and soul

    1. You can do all those things and more and still be sick. Our medical system makes many sick with their poisons that make us ill and then kill us,

    2. Cozy up in bed with a good book every night, exercise, eat well, no alcohol or tobacco and at around
      1:30 am your entire condo of concrete and steel comes down on you like a pancake!
      How did that work out for you?

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