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Top 11 Foods That Have Become Popular in America Again

Photo by Natasha Breen from Shutterstock


As time goes by, people are starting to be more and more interested in how can they improve their health and eating habits. That’s why in the last couple of years, the demand for Plant-Based Protein Tofu had increased significantly.

The major key products for American market is concentrating on all kind of tofu: Extra Firm Tofu, Super Extra Firm Tofu, Vegetable Tofu and Seasoning Tofu. Plus, the variety of dishes that contain tofu has started to diversify.

We know have access to all kinds of creative recipes, like Tofu Spread, Tofu Burger, Tofu Burritos, Tofu Scrambles, Tofu Pizza, Tofu Salad, and the list can go on.

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