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12 Frozen Meals You Should Avoid at All Costs

Bourbon Chicken Pasta

This isn’t exactly known to be a healthy recipe to begin with, but this meal’s ingredient list is long enough to break records. Homemade chicken and pasta with natural seasoning and fewer artificial ingredients is fairly simple to make, and you have the option to control how much sauce (if any) you pour onto your plate.

Also, it has 1,000 milligrams of sodium, which is more than your body can handle.

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8 thoughts on “12 Frozen Meals You Should Avoid at All Costs”

  1. I like the way you provide each subject or example of what you are saying, very straight forward…click at bottom….1, 2, 3, etc.
    Other sites that give leading headlines, drag us through ad after ad after ad…and the arrow to go to the next item, is very well hidden with all the ads and info we don’t want to see.
    If I start on one of those, I soon get out……fast.

  2. I really appreciate this sort of information; I try to pick healthy ‘quickie’ meals, but you never know for sure . . .

  3. Annelies Brever

    Thank you for the info! That is really eye opening. I do know that the frozen meals have a very high salt contents and I should have never eaten any! Thank God it’s been seldom!!! I hope to stay away from the frozen meals for good!!!

  4. I appreciate the way this information was presented. It was straightforward and not buried in numerous ads so the next page couldn’t be found. Thanks for one info. It was helpful!

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