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Why Am I Hungry All the Time? Here Are 4 Reasons

You drink your calories

Liquids and solid foods affect your appetite in different ways. So, if you consume a lot of liquid foods, such as shakes, smoothies and soups, you may be hungrier more often than you would be if you ate more solid foods. This happens because liquids pass through your stomach more quickly that solid foods do.

Also, some studies suggest that liquid foods don’t have as great of an impact on the suppression of hunger-promoting hormones, compared to solid foods. Eating liquid foods also tends to take less time than eating solid ones.

Your diet lacks fiber

High-fiber foods slow your stomach’s emptying rate and take longer to digest than low-fiber foods. They also influence the release of appetite-reducing hormones and the production of short-chain fatty acids.

It’s important to know that there are different types of fiber, and some are better than others at maintaining you full and preventing hunger. Several studies have found soluble fiber to be more filling than insoluble fiber.

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