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10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Red Meat


You may fall short on certain nutrients

Though it’s possible to make up for the lost protein in your diet, some nutrients do come mainly from red meat—and you may start running low on them if you don’t supplement.

One key family of nutrients is B vitamins, mostly vitamin B12, and also the mineral iron. If you still eat shellfish, 3.5 ounces of cooked clams can supply as much B12 as beef. Other good sources are tofu and soy products, fish, cheese, and eggs.

Some experts still recommend popping a supplement for insurance. “Taking supplements, including a high quality B12, can ensure that you’re getting the correct daily dosage,” says Dr. Warren.

Many people, even those who do eat red meat are deficient in magnesium. That’s because today’s soil is low in magnesium, so plant-based diets are no longer supplying as much of this important mineral. Even in meat, the cattle grazed on pasture or fed hay or grass pellets are not getting as much as is required to maintain a healthy daily level. T

ake a supplement with magnesium and vitamin D3. Also add probiotics, which provide important friendly bacteria to help the gut digest and absorb food.

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