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10 Things You Should NEVER Share With ANYONE

Photo by Suti Stock Photo from Shutterstock

4. Makeup and makeup brushes

Once you open a makeup container you literally invite bacteria growth. If you’re also used to share makeup with your best friend, you’re actually adding more opportunity for viruses to transfer over, says Julia Blank, MD, a family medicine physician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.Dr. Blank says.

As a matter of fact, sharing eye makeup could result in conjunctivitis while sharing your lip products could make you susceptible mono, herpes, and strep, according to Dr. Blank. That’s why you’re supposed to replace your cosmetics frequently and never borrow makeup products such as liquid eyeliner, mascara, or lipstick.

Even if you’re cleaning your makeup brushes and sponges regularly, it’s not enough! Makeup products could lead to a range of health issues, from breakouts to bacterial infections, so try to replace them once they go bad and, of course, do not share them.


7 thoughts on “10 Things You Should NEVER Share With ANYONE”

  1. Thank you so much for the keen and healthy advice. We often forget the obvious things that spread germs that contribute to negligent behavior. However, when you publish reminders like these ; they are well appreciated.

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