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9 Things Doctors Want You To Know About The Delta Variant

Photo by Halfpoint from Shutterstock

Do unvaccinated people that are infected with the new variant show higher loads than we saw with other variants?

As Kristen Bjorkman, COVID-19 scientific director for the BioFrontiers Institute at CU Boulder and Matthew McQueen, professor of integrative physiology claim, when it comes to COVID-19, higher viral loads will lead to a higher risk of transmitting the disease.

Research is showing that the unvaccinated peers infected with the delta strain have a 1,000-fold higher viral load than the first strain of SARS-CoV-2, which now holds the minority of cases in the U.S.

They came to the conclusion that the new delta variant seems to make about a five-to 20-fold higher viral load than alpha, a variant of the virus that was first identified in the United Kingdom.

So, what about the unvaccinated?…..

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2 thoughts on “9 Things Doctors Want You To Know About The Delta Variant”

  1. I have been blessed that I never have had covid symptoms. I received the Maderma 2 injections.
    This article has been very helpful to understand the new virus Delta varent.

  2. Thank you for the info! I am trying to remain covid free. Two Maderma shots & booster. I pray I stay safe. I am 70 years ole.

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