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9 Things Doctors Want You To Know About The Delta Variant

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Should people return to wearing masks?

The answer to this question, like any other question related to this subject, depends on a lot of factors. The effectiveness of wearing the mask no matter where you might be depends on the level of immunity in a certain community, how much does the community agree with wearing the mask, but also with the quality of masks that are used.

However, what hasn’t changed so far and it probably won’t, is that the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. What matters just as much as all mentioned above is also the exposure, meaning the duration and intensity of exposure.

What about the battle with Delta?…..


2 thoughts on “9 Things Doctors Want You To Know About The Delta Variant”

  1. I have been blessed that I never have had covid symptoms. I received the Maderma 2 injections.
    This article has been very helpful to understand the new virus Delta varent.

  2. Thank you for the info! I am trying to remain covid free. Two Maderma shots & booster. I pray I stay safe. I am 70 years ole.

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