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You Might Be Depressed If You’re Suffering From These 8 Symptoms

Photo by bialasiewicz –

2. Lost Interest

Losing interest in various activities? That’s a telltale sign of major depression. This included sports, going out with friends or favorite hobbies. If you or someone you know used to look forward to all of these things and now show no interest, then it’s likely that these feelings won’t go away on their own, so it’s best to talk to a professional.

This sudden loss of interest may also occur in your intimate life, as it can affect your sex life. Impotence and a decreased sex drive are also symptoms of major depression.

3. Increased Fatigue and Sleep Problems

One of the most debilitating symptoms of depression is fatigue. This can, in turn, affect what we spoke about earlier- your hobbies. If you simply do not have the energy to engage in activities you once loved, you could suffer from depression.

Not only that, but depression could also hinder your ability to sleep. Many people who suffer from this mood disorder also suffer from insomnia. Worse, still, is the fact that a lack of restful sleep can lead to anxiety, further damaging your mental health.


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