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10 Signs You’re Not Healthy (Even If You Think You Are)


You have skin tags

Are you dealing with unsightly and uncomfortable skin tags? If so, you might have your cholesterol to blame. According to Mark Menolascino, MD, a functional medicine doctor and author of Heart Solution for Women, certain skin growths—called xanthelasmata—are “related to abnormal cholesterol metabolism.” These yellowish skin tags are “especially a concern when seen around the eyes,” he says.

If you think that you have xanthelasmata, see your doctor and have your lipid levels checked. You’ll want to correct any underlying cholesterol-related problems before they lead to something that’s not just a cosmetic concern.

Next, you’ll have to face this one…..

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8 thoughts on “10 Signs You’re Not Healthy (Even If You Think You Are)”

  1. praise GOD ,, help homeless , feed strays ,make love ,, smoke good legal weeds , dont drink much , no cigaretts , keep busy , swim dailly beach preferred, eat well of course …u will be healthy ,, exercise feeds the mind and soul

    1. You can do all those things and more and still be sick. Our medical system makes many sick with their poisons that make us ill and then kill us,

    2. Cozy up in bed with a good book every night, exercise, eat well, no alcohol or tobacco and at around
      1:30 am your entire condo of concrete and steel comes down on you like a pancake!
      How did that work out for you?

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