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7 Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes You May Miss

Photo by Nattapat.J from Shutterstock

4. You feel shaky and hungry

In just one day, depending on a large number of factors (caffeine, a bad cold, stress, alcohol, or heat) your blood glucose levels go up and down, which is actually normal. In fact, if they vary within a certain range, you’ll probably not be able to notice your blood sugar swings.

But if they dip way below the healthy range, you’ll feel unsteady and immediately need to reach for carbs to bring your blood glucose levels back to your target range. Other symptoms of low blood glucose include sweating, chills, lightheadedness, and confusion, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA).


1 thought on “7 Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes You May Miss”

  1. Eat good, wholesome foods, free of refined sugar, no alcohol, no caffeine, and stay the hell away from doctors. Medical and insurance companies are out of control.

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