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5 Bad Things You Do to Your Brain Without Realizing It

Photo by Alina Troeva from Shutterstock

You have a sedentary life

It has been shown that exercise can help you improve your memory and also increase your level of happiness. People who have a sedentary life are more likely to develop obesity, heart disease and other diseases that can affect your brain quality. 

Health experts recommend aerobic exercise because this type of activity can keep the heart rate high by pumping more oxygen in your body, which can help you reduce the risk of complications that can affect your brain functions. For instance, your brain decreases in size as you get older, but aerobic exercise can help you prevent this. Moreover, regular physical activity can help you reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

So, try to exercise for at least thirty minutes every day if you want to be healthier. You can also opt for moderate intensity exercise. According to Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant, “if exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented.”

That said, here are 6 Exercises to Improve Your Mental Health and How Much Exercise Does an Average American Really Need? 


Photo by Nopphon_1987 from Shutterstock

You smoke too much

Smoking is not only bad for your brain functions, but this bad habit can actually affect every organ in your body causing a lot of health complications. But how do these cigarettes affect your brain? Let’s find out! Cigarettes contain nicotine and this substance can cause, among other severe complications, a thinner cortex (the part of your brain that is responsible for stocking memories, language and perception). 

We have to admit that it is quite difficult to quit smoking, especially if you have had this habit for decades. But you should try your best to reduce the amount of nicotine instead. 

Speaking of cigarettes, here is What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking? Or you are probably interested in: 8 Solid Reasons to Quit Smoking Immediately and 12 Warning Signs Your Lungs Are Yelling for Immediate Help.


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