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19 Things You Can Do to Live Longer

Photo by Caleb Oquendo from Pexels

Cut out non-nutritive foods

One of the most important rules that you have to take into consideration when you choose your foods is to check the label and if you see a lot of ingredients try to avoid that product. Healthy foods are natural, they don’t contain a lot of ingredients and additives. 

You should try to prepare your meals at home and keep the recipes simple. You can also try to choose natural vegetables and fruits, instead of cookies and pizza. 

“As we get older, I think it’s important to cut out non-nutritive foods like added sugars and really limiting sweets. As we age, our palates can sometimes shift toward sweeter foods, so be mindful of that. The more sweets we have, the more inflammation we have. Inflammation in the body can put you at greater risk for cardiovascular disease, joint pain, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome,” added Crandall.

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