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19 Things You Can Do to Live Longer

Photo by Nikolaydonetsk from Envato Elements

Opt for a diversified diet

As we said before, we need some macro and micro nutrients to survive and help our body work properly. While some nutrients can be produced by your body per se, others need some help to form, and food is your friend in this case. A varied diet can help you get a lot of essential nutrients and this will lead to a healthier life. 

“Fill up on five to nine servings of colorful produce daily. Research shows that diets rich in fruits and vegetables help stave off disease and work wonders toward maintaining a healthy weight,” explains Julie Upton, MS, RD, registered dietitian and co-founder of Appetite for Health.

“Fruits and veggies may help protect against certain cancers, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve blood sugar levels, and allow us to fill up on fewer calories. To meet your daily produce quota, enjoy at least one serving of fruit or vegetables with each meal, and make your snacks fruit- or vegetable-based.” 

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