4. L-arginine
Another supplement that can help people who have high blood pressure is L-arginine. This is an amino acid that your body uses in order to build more protein.
Even though the human body is smart enough to produce it in the quantity it actually needs, there are some foods that contain this type of amino acid, such as dairy products, whole grains, soy, fish, red meat, and poultry.
If you think of using this supplement, you can take it either orally or intravenously. This will dilate your blood vessels, which will function as a great treatment for heart diseases.
According to a study, it has been found that L-arginine can help boost the way your blood vessels function and it can also improve blood flow.
5. Melatonin
Melatonin is a natural hormone your body produces on a regular basis and it helps promote a good night’s sleep. It can even work wonders for people who suffer from anxiety both before and after surgery and also for those who experience jet lag.
Melatonin is also a hormone that can be found as a supplement, which you can take orally. It is also linked with treating more conditions, such as reducing blood pressure in those who have high levels.
In conformity with several studies, it has been found that people who consumed melatonin as a supplement had lower blood pressure levels than those who didn’t take it.
Another scientific research discovered that low melatonin can be responsible for producing high blood pressure in women.
…Conclusion? Take your melatonin every night! It will help you to get have a restful night’s sleep and also less pressure on your blood vessels!Â
What do you think about all these supplements that can help lower your blood pressure? Have you ever tried any of these? If yes, were they helpful?
We are curious to know what your thoughts are, so make sure to let us know about them by leaving them in the comments section down below!
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