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25 Things You Probably Didn’t Realize Can Cause Cancer

Photo by LightFieldStudios from Envato Elements

9. Pumping gas

Filling up the tank is a pretty regular activity for most of us, but has it ever crossed your mind what it means to our health? When you add just a little bit more gas than recommended, the pump’s vapor recovery system will not work as it should in time. As a result, it releases several cancer-causing chemicals such as benzene into the air.

10. Working the night shift

According to last year’s reports, more than three million Americans work the night shift. But what sleep deprivation during the night can do to you? If you assume that you’re perfectly fine just because you rest your body during the day, you’re wrong.

Sadly, sleep deprivation during the night can maximize a person’s risk of breast cancer. Experts say that this can most likely occur due to melatonin suppression.

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