8 Foods That Can Cause Constipation
Caffeine A couple cups of coffee makes some people race to the bathroom, but it can have the opposite effect, too. The caffeine in coffee and soft drinks can keep
Caffeine A couple cups of coffee makes some people race to the bathroom, but it can have the opposite effect, too. The caffeine in coffee and soft drinks can keep
Hypnosis can be used to treat anxiety, because during your session, the therapist can induce you in a “posthypnotic suggestion” while you’re in a state of trance – your mind
Black Pepper Beef Jerky If you’ve only had gas station beef jerky, you’re in for a pleasant surprise when you try this beef pepper version. Spiced with Worcestershire sauce, soy
Psoriatic arthritis Experts estimate that approximately 30 percent of people with psoriasis (a skin condition characterized by itchy, scaly rashes and crumbling nails) also develop a form of inflammatory arthritis
Turn to lemons Lemons contain citric acid, a naturally-occurring compound thought to aid digestion and soothe the stomach. Try adding freshly-squeezed lemon juice to water and sip throughout the day.
Thick, tight skin on fingers If the skin on your fingers feels tight and stiff, it’s time for a blood test. Tight, thickened skin can be a symptom of scleroderma,
Coffee, Stress and Tension Drinking coffee can promote the release of the stress hormones cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These chemicals can increase your heart rate of your body, tension levels
Chick-fil-A: Grilled Market Salad With grilled chicken, romaine lettuce, blue cheese, apples, strawberries and blueberries, this salad is a great example of how fast food really can be healthy. It
Approximately one in every 100 Americans has celiac disease, a condition in which the gluten in food triggers an immune response that damages the small intestine, which affects its ability
Swimming Aquatic activities provide another joint-friendly exercise option. For example, swimming, water aerobics, aqua jogging, and other aquatic activities can give your heart, lungs, and muscles a workout, while putting
You use toiletries that contain mineral oils. Mineral oils are often used in products such as moisturizers, lipsticks, lubricants, and even laxatives. This common toiletry ingredient is actually a byproduct
End your meals right Try developing a positive trigger to signal your body that you’re done eating for the night. For example, finishing dinner with a cup of lavender tea
#7 Myth: Disease rates are dropping because of better sanitation, not vaccines Even within the past several decades, the incidence of specific diseases have dropped after vaccines have been introduced,
Get enough sleep During sleep, the body heals and recharges itself. The brain, in particular, flushes away toxins, which researchers found lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s. Another study, published in
Malnutrition When you’re not absorbing enough nutrients from your food, malnutrition might not be far behind. For many people, particularly those with leaky gut syndrome, malnutrition can be a
If you’re in pain or have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or other symptoms, you’d do anything to feel better. Luckily most stomach bugs are short-lived. However, choosing the wrong kind of
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