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10 Things You Should NEVER Share With ANYONE

Photo by URAIWONS from Shutterstock

5. Phones

Try not to share your cellphone or a landline phone as much as possible, Dr. Arthur says. We all know that phones come in close contact with the face and mouth, so if sharing is really necessary, you should put the phone on speaker, so there’s virtually no skin-to-skin contact.

Scientists at the University of Arizona found that your phone is ten times dirtier than most public toilet seats. Therefore, your phone is the perfect breeding ground for germs and bacteria.

For most people phones are an extension of their hands and, on average, we check our phones 58 times a day. That’s why it is essential to disinfect our phones as often as we can and try to wash our hands before and after every single touch.

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7 thoughts on “10 Things You Should NEVER Share With ANYONE”

  1. Thank you so much for the keen and healthy advice. We often forget the obvious things that spread germs that contribute to negligent behavior. However, when you publish reminders like these ; they are well appreciated.

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