Red palms
These can be an early symptom of liver disease — you’ll probably feel sick and lethargic, too. It’s wise to ask for medical advice quickly to limit the damage.
Red palms
These can be an early symptom of liver disease — you’ll probably feel sick and lethargic, too. It’s wise to ask for medical advice quickly to limit the damage.
Diet soda We are tempted to choose diet soda, because we think is fat-free and zero-calorie. “People are under the impression that they’re healthy, and they’re really not,” says
Drinking way too many milky coffees Most of us (60 percent of Americans, to be precise) can’t start the day without a morning cup of Joe. Coffee is the first
Frozen dinners and fast food Frozen foods contain heavily processed ingredients. Keep in mind that these foods are highly processed and have been linked to increased inflammation in the body.
Watermelon Watermelon is one of the best sources of antioxidant lycopene and Vitamin A which is required for sebum production and keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized.
Is your hair trying to tell you something about your health? Maybe. Research shows that changes in your hair’s look, texture, or thickness can be signs of underlying health conditions.
Has been linked to acne Refined carbs such as drinks and sugary foods are associated with a higher risk of developing acne. The explication is simple, sugary foods spike blood
Almost everyone has had a painfully stomachache in the past. There are many organs in your abdomen that could be the reasons of your stomachache. Your problem with your tummy
You’re overcoming an illness Think your cube-mate smells a bit off this week? They might just be sick. One Psychological Science study found that healthy people are able to detect
Psoriatic arthritis Experts estimate that approximately 30 percent of people with psoriasis (a skin condition characterized by itchy, scaly rashes and crumbling nails) also develop a form of inflammatory arthritis
“Choose vegetables that are all the colors of the rainbow and focus on dark green veggies, too. These give us phytonutrients, which have many antioxidant assets that can put a
Chickpea flour This is made of, you guessed it, finely ground dried chickpeas. It’s gluten- and nut-free and is full of folate (important for cardiovascular health), fiber (for gut health)
Yes! We all know that we need to eat less and exersice more, if we want to lose some weight. But how much exercise does an average American really needs?
You Can’t Stay Focused When it feels as if your mind is being pulled in every direction and you can’t seem to complete anything on time when you have tons
Your lack of sleep While we should be sleeping for seven to nine hours every night, only half of Americans reach that goal. But skimping on your shut-eye can do
You may fall short on certain nutrients Though it’s possible to make up for the lost protein in your diet, some nutrients do come mainly from red meat—and you may
Garlic, alfalfa sprouts, and other surprising foods You are what you eat—and your lupus flares may reflect that. Both garlic (which contains immune-provoking substances like allicin, ajoene, and thiosulfinates) and
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