“Nuts are a great source of protein, fat, and fiber all in one,” says Alpert. Just 1/4 cup of them has 4.5 grams of fiber. So toss some in a baggie or stock up on KIND bars to roll with an excellent fiber source when you’re on the go.
“Nuts are a great source of protein, fat, and fiber all in one,” says Alpert. Just 1/4 cup of them has 4.5 grams of fiber. So toss some in a baggie or stock up on KIND bars to roll with an excellent fiber source when you’re on the go.
Watermelon Water content: 91.5% water It’s fairly obvious that watermelon is full of, well, water, but this juicy melon is also among the richest sources of lycopene, a cancer-fighting antioxidant
Avocados If you want to drop a few pounds, avocados are great to add into your diet. People who eat avocados tend to be healthier and weigh less than people
Hypnosis can be used to treat anxiety, because during your session, the therapist can induce you in a “posthypnotic suggestion” while you’re in a state of trance – your mind
9. Heart issues While chest discomfort or pain is certainly the most common sign of ticker problems, shoulder pain can be one too. According to the National Heart, Lung, and
Nuts May help protect healthy brain function. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that a good intake of vitamin E might help to prevent cognitive decline,
Watermelon Watermelon is one of the best sources of antioxidant lycopene and Vitamin A which is required for sebum production and keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized.
Fatty liver disease, more accurately called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD, occurs when more than 5% of liver cells contain fat. The exact cause of NAFLD is not known,
If you have the moody-blues, seem mad or are just all-around in a bad mood, there be underlying medical reasons for your grumpiness. We’ve curated tips that can help you
You’re tired all the time Another warning symptom of COPD can be exhaustion or fatigue, says pulmonologist Fernando Martinez, MD, chief of the pulmonary and critical care division at Weill
Dizziness, nausea, or vomiting As you continue to sweat, your body will become increasingly dehydrated. The heat will start to affect various organs, all of which can exacerbate any of
Your cold won’t go away A cold peaks during days three to four. ‘By days five to seven, the symptoms should start to subside,’ says Dr. Miranda. By seven to
Viruses are tiny, infectious microbes. They’re technically parasites because they require a host cell to reproduce. Upon entry, the virus uses components of the host cell to complete its life
Cocaine The Devil’s dandruff, Peruvian marching powder, nose candy, whatever you want to call it, cocaine was actually included in many types of medicines and drugs (not only in the
Being a Night Owl Staying up late at night seems great, but your body wouldn’t say the same if it could. “When you get fewer than six hours sleep, you
No symptoms? Dr. Payne says he has heard stories about doctors opening up patients for unrelated surgery and discovering that their appendix has ruptured and healed without treatment. But, he
Heart Disease Swollen, red, bleeding gums may be a telltale warning sign of heart disease. In fact, gum disease may put you at risk for both coronary artery disease and
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