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20 Things You Think Are Healthy But Actually Aren’t

Frozen Yogurt

This is yet another heavenly snack with some unhealthy perks for anyone. Firstly, frozen yogurt has considerably more sugar than ice cream and less fat! Even though less fat sounds good, in this case, it allows the sugar to be digested faster and raises your blood sugar levels to the sky.

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2 thoughts on “20 Things You Think Are Healthy But Actually Aren’t”

  1. I was surprised by some of these and not surprised by others. No wonder our bodies are so unhealthy. Things that have been developed in the last 50 years (plastic products, baked chips, frozen yogurt) all seemed to be wonderful. Now we find that we’re probably slowly killing ourselves. You hear more & more cases of cancer than ever before and now it makes sense.

  2. I am 94 yrs old & have not nor do not eat any of these so far, think that my have anything to do with my healthy years now? Good thinking on your part to show all of these, I see so many eating all of them, thank you. Olive Pierce

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