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20 of the Most Effective Anti-Aging Tips Ever

Exercise Regularly

I know you know that exercise can do wonders to your body, but honestly – no one can stress this idea enough. Just a couple of basic exercises, riding the bike or even a daily walk can change your life completely. Not only will you look better, but you will feel younger too, and trust me, the world can tell!


1 thought on “20 of the Most Effective Anti-Aging Tips Ever”

  1. At 87 I visit the gym for 1.25 hours per day 5 days per week, play table tennis with a group 20 years younger twice a week, and feel that I am doing everything I can to slow the aging process (and folks say it shows) . Sins include a caffin free diet soda a day, and a bit of chocolate plus fresh fruit of the season. Do my own yard work and on top of all this goody goody stuff, I still like girls ! That is my take on trying to increase the quality of life as well as longevity !

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